Center of Grace Volunteer Survey
How did you hear about
volunteering at COG?

Please share the name of the organization.

How often do you volunteer at the COG?

How long have you
volunteered at the COG?

Please indicate the program/area in which you volunteer.

What do you like about
volunteering at the COG? Part 1

What do you like about
volunteering at the COG? Part 2

Is there anything you would change about your volunteer time spent at the COG?

How successful did you feel after volunteering?

A staff member of lead volunteer was available to answer my questions.

Did you receive training before you
started Volunteering?

Is there training you would like as a volunteer?

How appreciated did you feel after volunteering?

Describe the impact your work makes on the people coming into the COG.
Part 1

Describe the impact your work makes on the people coming into the COG.
Part 2

Finally, is there anything else you would like to share?
Part 1

Finally, is there anything else you would like to share?
Part 2

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